Pastoral Assistant/Ministry Resident

  • Family Ministry (Youth, Children, etc.)
  • Denton, TX

Website Christ Community Church of Denton

We are an Acts29 Church in the Heart of Denton, TX, and we are building a ministry residency program for future church leaders/planters

This is a ministry residency for anybody who is aspiring toward vocational ministry. With the residency, we have the flexibility to build a position that fits your unique skillset/gifting while also coming alongside you in discipleship toward vocational ministry.

We’d love to see future leaders raised up and sent out from C3 Denton in other ministry contexts, as church planters, or missionaries. This position is for a candidate that’s interested in learning/serving within a church that is gospel-centric, reformed in soteriology, convicted by expositional preaching, is led by a plurality of elders, engages in meaningful membership (elder-led congregationalist), and lives highly relationally in community and mission

In our church, a ministry resident will go through a our Elder Pipeline (this is formal discipleship toward pastoral ministry), have an intentional 1-on-1 discipleship relationship with one of our elders, and have opportunities to lead out in an area of ministry (children, youth, young adults, adults, creative arts, etc).

If you’re pursuing ministry and desire to learn how to pastor within the context of a local church, please reach out to JT Dick (Lead Pastor) to begin a conversation about what this could look like.Please send resume to


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