United States

What We Are

Acts 29 in the United States is composed of five regions with sixteen distinct sub-regions. From the forested tip of Maine to the beaches of southern California, Acts 29 United States is a vast landscape of radically diverse cultures and contexts.


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As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!

United States Regional & Sub-regional Directors


Regional Director, West


Regional Director, Texas


Regional Director, North Atlantic

David was born in western New York, raised in New Hampshire, and has pastored for 35 years in the Northeast. Sharon and David were married in 1988 and have raised four sons and one daughter. They live in Concord, New Hampshire, and love to travel and explore history.


Regional Director, Midwest

Noel is the teaching pastor at Riverview, a multi-site church in the Lansing, Michigan area that actively engages younger generations in both in-person and digital spaces. He is an author, podcaster, speaker, and church leadership coach. He is married to Grace, and they have four adult children and one son-in-law.


Regional Director, Southeast

Chan Kilgore is the Lead Pastor of New River Fellowship. He is passionate about how the gospel can inform and transform our everyday lives. He holds degrees from Central Florida and Reformed Theological Seminary. Chan has been married for more than 30 years and has been blessed with three beautiful daughters and a grandson. He enjoys woodworking, home remodeling, reading, and going to the beach with his wife.


Sub Regional Director, Heartland

Ryan is the planter and lead pastor of The Seed Church in Wichita, Kansas. He and his wife, Ashley, have three boys.


Sub Regional Director, Georgia and Florida Panhandle

Tim planted Greenbriar Church in Albany, Georgia, in 2008. Tim's wife, Jaye, is an Acts 29 wives support coordinator for the Southeast. Tim and Jaye have been married for more than 25 years and have four children. Tim enjoys hunting and grilling.


Sub Regional Director, Desert

Jason leads Anchor Church in Gilbert, Arizona. He has four children and has been married to Tiffany for 20 years.


Sub Regional Director, Alaska

I am a lifelong Alaskan with a wonderful wife and two awesome boys. God is giving me a vision to see churches planted all over the north.


Sub Regional Director, Florida

Rodney planted Gospel Fellowship Church in Boynton Beach, Florida, after ten years of college ministry. Rodney has been married to his amazing wife for 16 years and has four children. He is passionate about discipleship and enjoys motorcycles and playing basketball.


Regional Associate Director, Upper Midwest

Steve is the senior pastor of Hope Community Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which he started in 1996. Before planting Hope, Steve served on staff with the Navigators and was a junior high math teacher. He and his wife, Carole, have three sons. He's been a part of Acts 29 since 2007 and in leadership positions since 2011.


Sub-Regional Director, Northwest

Matt planted Outward Church in Salem, Oregon, in 2007. He is married to Chris and a father of four.


Sub Regional Director, Pacific

Travis Cunningham is from Southern California where he planted Story Church in 2019. Travis is married to Katy and they have two children. Travis is excited to be a small part in what God is doing through Acts 29.


Sub-Regional Director, Texas Gulf Coast

Chad Clarkson serves as the pastor of church planting at Clear Creek Community Church and is the executive director of the Houston Church Planting Network. He is married to Mindy, and they live in Houston with their six children.


Sub-Regional Director, Northeast

Mike McKinney serves as lead pastor for Church at Bergen just north of The Big Apple in Paramus, New Jersey. After graduating from Wheaton College in 2008, he and his wife Keren soon moved to Jersey to help plant the church and raise four young children. He is the Northeast Sub-Regional Director for the Network where he prays for God plant more healthy churches for the glory of Jesus.


Sub-Regional Director, Texas

Rodney planted Stonegate Church in 2009, a thriving church on the south side of Dallas. He's been deeply vested in church planting, sending multiple church planters across the DFW area and beyond. He has over 20 years of ministry experience and loves to leverage that experience to serve pastors and planters. He's married to Laura, his bride of over 20 years, and they have three children.


Sub Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic

Will was born and raised in West Virginia, where he lives with his wife and five children. He’s the author of 'Rural Mission' and founding pastor of New Heights Church in Milton, West Virginia.


Sub-Regional Director, Mountain

Rich Dugan leads the North Metro Congregation of Fellowship Denver Church. He is married to Kaitlyn and they have two girls.


Sub-Regional Director, Lower Midwest

Tim Gray is the director of St. Louis Collective (a regional support and training entity), an elder emeritus at City on a Hill, an Acts 29 church in Arnold, Missouri, and a leader in Acts 29 and the Soma Family of Churches. Tim planted The Bridge Church in Leadington, Missouri in 2006 and City on a Hill in 2014. He has been directly involved in planting five other churches and has assessed over 20 church plants for Acts 29 and the Soma Churches. He currently coaches many churches through St. Louis Collective, is on staff with the Servant Leader Institute, and partners with Mission Metro in St. Louis. Tim and wife Kelley have a son, Justin, who with wife Morgan, have blessed this family with two grandchildren (Sadie and Stella).


Sub-Regional Director, Carolinas

Bryan serves as the Lead Pastor of Steadfast Church in Asheville, NC. He has been part of Acts 29 since he helped plant the church in 2007 and has served the network through assessments, coaching, areas and cohorts over the years. He loves church planting and encouraging church planters. Bryan has been married to Christina for over 20 years and they have three amazing kids.


Wives Support Coordinator, Acts 29 West

Sara and her husband, Caleb, planted True Life Church in Denver, Colorado, in 2012. Originally from Washington state, Sara graduated from Seattle Pacific University. She has two beautiful children and loves sunshine, food, and a good magazine.


Lead Wives Support Coordinator, Acts 29 East

Jaye and her husband, Tim, live in Albany, Georgia, with their four children. They serve at Greenbriar Church, which they planted in 2008. She has an EdS degree from Liberty University and is currently a stay-at-home mom. Jaye has a heart for pastors' wives, loves chocolate and traveling, and will find any excuse to celebrate.

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