Acts 29 Europe exists to facilitate and catalyse church-planting efforts across our continent. We are currently 96 churches (partners and candidates). This represents significant growth for our Network in a continent which is, in many regions, less than 1% evangelical.

Updated May 2024


Many regions are now operating with their own assessment, coaching, training and support in-context and in-language, with growing teams of people working on the ground. This development goes hand in hand with a growing sense of solidarity between our regions, as well as between our regions and other regions outside Europe and between our Network and other Networks.

Acts 29 Europe finds itself highly impacted by the priorities that our collaboratives have highlighted. Europe is dealing with rapid urbanisation at one level and also problems and opportunities related to its rural zones. Each country is confronted with its own version of church in hard places.

We are delighted to benefit from the expertise and input from our Rural and Church in Hard Places teams. At the same time, Islam is making rapid progress in some European countries – and in other countries of our Network Islam is dominant. Nearly all European countries are dealing with mass immigration from troubled zones in North Africa, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa which necessarily entails welcoming and interacting with Muslims.

In our highly complex, challenging times, we are grateful to be part of the Acts 29 family and together contribute to the advancement of the gospel in our beautiful and broken continent.

PHILIP MOORE | Network Director

Keep in Touch with Acts 29 Europe

Church To Church Partnership Opportunities

Benjamin & Emelie Clark
Gothenburg, Sweden

Jonathan & Lorena Templeton
Ponferrada, Spain

Javier & Silvia Pérez
Sabadell, Spain

Vlad & Oana Oara
Timisoara, Romania

Charlie & Barbara Tatera
Wroclaw, Poland

Franco & Priscille Tartari
Azzano Decimo, Italy

Robbie & Lizzie Bellis
Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium

Alexander and Anna Reindl
Steinach am Brenner, Austria

Colin & Tanya Creighton
Carrickmacross, Republic of Ireland

Find a Church

As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!

Europe Regional Leadership Team (RLT)


Europe Regional Director

Philip Moore is married to Rachel and they have five children. In 2006, Phillip moved to France to pastor a church in the eastern suburbs of Paris. The church has since planted three daughter churches and trained and sent a couple to plant a church in the centre of Paris. He is now starting a new church in the 5th Arrondissement of Paris. Philip is the Director for Acts 29 Europe.


Europe Operations Director

Gary is married to Claudia and based in her home country of Germany. They have 2 grown up boys. He pastored for 6 years in N. Ireland followed by 8 years in leadership development with an international missions agency. He enjoys trail running and serves his community as a volunteer firefighter.


SE Europe Regional Lead

Jonathan, born into a missionary family, grew up in Italy and was touched by grace as a teenager. Passionate for the spread of the gospel in Italy, with his wife Annette, they have been involved in church planting (and growing), most recently in Palermo (Sicily). He now coordinates Impatto (A29 in Italy).


Turkic Regional Lead

Kerem is married to Buse and has two children. He planted Antalya Protestant Church in Turkey, back in 2010. A year after that Via Christus Ministries came to life to provide resources for Turkish believers. He has a heart for the Turkish people since many have never heard the gospel.


Central Europe Regional Lead

Tomáš is married to Silvia and they have 3 children. He is a bi-vocational church planter in Slovakia. After replanting in Nitra, their family is planting out to Bratislava since the Summer of 2018. Tomáš leads a small network of planters in Slovakia longing to see Christ's glory imaged in many new churches in the region.


Europe Regional Lead Team (Iberian Peninsula Regional Lead)

Alberto is married to Ashley and they have four children. He was born in Spain, but his family moved to the United States during his teen years. He and his brother, Francisco, planted Iglesia Bautista Fe de Sevilla in 2012 and he now serves as one of the pastors of the church.


NW Regional Lead

Christoph is married to Kristina and they have five children. Christoph has been the planter and pastor of „erlebt - Kirche für Potsdam“ since 2014 when he and a small team started the church. Christoph and his family are „Ossis“** by choice. They moved from West Germany to Potsdam, in order to plant a church that preaches and lives the Gospel and reaches out to the people in one of the most atheistic regions of the world.
**people of East Germany

Collaboration Partners


French Speaking West Africa in collaboration with Acts 29 French Speaking Europe

Keo Kognon, the Acts 29 Regional Leader for French-speaking West Africa, is a devoted pastor, husband to Lydie, and father of four. As the pastor of Eglise AEBECI de Téguéré in Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire, Keo leads a pastoral training program and actively engages in training and mobilizing church planters in Abidjan. Additionally, he serves as the director of Acts 29 for Côte d’Ivoire and French-speaking West Africa. Raised in an animist family, Keo's life changed at 14 when he encountered the gospel through the "Jesus Film." Now, his ministry focuses on overcoming obstacles like Islam and animism, spreading love, and seeing lives transformed by the gospel.

Contact Us

Acts 29 Europe
Seilerweg 6
79589 Binzen