Church planters in poor and rural communities need affordable and contextually relevant training. Some struggle with literacy, while others can’t afford to leave their job or their home to pursue training. Furthermore, these communities often lack solid, gospel-preaching churches. There is an urgent need for indigenous church planters to be trained and supported to plant healthy churches in these hard places. Through the CiHP Apprenticeship, Acts 29 is delivering non-residential, theologically robust, and contextually relevant training to church planters in poor communities in every Acts 29 network. Our apprenticeship is a pathway to assessment with Acts 29.
- Apprentices attend a monthly cohort meeting in their region.
- Each month they receive a reading and writing assignment.
- Apprentices attend an annual retreat during which they receive training in preaching, church planting strategy, and pastoral theology.
- At the conclusion of the apprenticeship, planters will have a better grasp on their own theology and planting strategies. They will have also learned about Acts 29, leading many to become Acts 29 applicants and, eventually, members.