
We are a global network with a global vision. God is the God of the whole world and has always desired to bless the nations. We are moved and inspired by the Lord of all creation who declared it in the Old Testament and demonstrated it in Jesus. He said it would be a direct consequence of his Spirit coming in power. He creates missionaries, it’s what the spirit does.


With over 550 churches across 6 continents, we are a global network and as a global network we will become increasingly diverse; racially, ethnically and socially. This diversity is a glorious expression of God’s grace among us. We are seeking to find more ways of celebrating, profiling and displaying this beautiful diversity.


Multiplication is costly, our global vision impacts our budget, assessments, partnerships and where we invest our resources. We need to think carefully and plan strategically as to how we can best use the resources we have to do all we can to see the expansion of God’s gloriously diverse kingdom.


Language doesn’t merely describe reality, it creates it. Jesus consistently demonstrated this in a cross-cultural manner. This means that following Jesus involves caring about people whose cultural backgrounds and problems are nothing like our own, highlighting different countries in our public conversation and praying for other countries facing difficulties.


Everything works better when it is all working towards the same goal. We want to build out everything from our leadership structure to our communication strategy in a distinctive, informative, and practical way to help see this vision become a reality.


From the beginning of time, storytellers have proclaimed with power what needed to be heard, learnt, and remembered. This is why we need to be sharing our networks’ stories from all round the globe, from places like Madrid, Melbourne, Morocco, Montana and Montreal.

Acts 29 By Acts 29 July 7, 2014