Gospel-centered churches impact individuals, families, and communities around the world every day. By partnering with Acts 29, you are a part of God’s exciting mission of equipping and advancing the church. Together, we plant churches worldwide.
Impact Stories
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Acts 29 catalyzes a movement of effective and multiplying churches worldwide by equipping church planters for mission with theological training and resources.
We search worldwide for new church planters, engaging them in our mission and inviting them into our diverse network.
Acts 29 produces biblically sound resources and offers practical training to equip pastors and planters for ministry in all contexts.
Acts 29 prepares church planters for the challenges of church planting through our rigorous assessment process.
We help pastors, their wives, and church leaders with personal and ministerial challenges through our robust care network.
Why Plant Churches?
Church participation is rapidly declining. Every year, more churches are closing their doors. Only one-third of the eight billion people in the world would call themselves Christians. That means billions of people don’t know Jesus. We want people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to know and worship him—this is why we plant churches worldwide.
New churches are more effective at reaching unchurched people. Acts 29 is catalyzing a worldwide church-planting movement for the worthy cause of Christ and his kingdom advancing on earth.
Gospel-centered churches impact individuals, families, and communities around the world every day. By partnering with Acts 29, you are a part of God's exciting mission of equipping and advancing the church.
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Gifts by check may be made payable to Acts 29 and mailed to Acts 29, 23052 Alicia PKWY, Suite H #621, Mission Viejo, CA 92692. Please include your email address and phone number.