Every day, lives are being transformed through Acts 29 churches around the world.
These stories are a testament to the incredible power of the gospel, touching individuals in ways that change not only their own lives but often the lives of those around them. One such story is about a young couple in Montreal, Canada. Ana and James had never set foot in a church. They had no idea what the gospel could mean for them.
Ana, originally from Iran, spent years searching for meaning and truth in all the wrong places. She delved into New Age practices, explored the use of crystals, and even experimented with witchcraft in a desperate attempt to fill the emptiness she felt. For years, she sought fulfillment in the spiritual and mystical, but nothing seemed to offer the lasting peace and purpose she longed for. It was only after discovering Christianity through an online ministry that her search for truth took a dramatic turn. The message of Christ resonated deeply within her, sparking a profound shift in her heart and mind.
Ana’s journey led her to Church 21, a vibrant Acts 29 church in Montreal, where she felt welcomed and encouraged to explore her new faith in a community that was passionate about the gospel. After attending for a while, Ana’s husband, James, became interested in the gospel. Both of them were eager to learn more, and soon Ana made the decision to be baptized. Her joy in embracing Jesus was contagious, and just two months later, James also made the life-changing decision to follow Christ!

The excitement and passion they felt for their newfound faith were impossible to contain. Wanting to share the good news with their friends and family, they decided to host a party to celebrate their baptisms and share their testimony with others. The event became a powerful witness to the grace they had experienced. Among the guests was Ana’s Iranian father, who had many questions about their new faith. He found himself deep in conversation with one of the Church 21 pastors, engaging in thoughtful discussions about the gospel.
This story is one of many that are happening all around the world, where Acts 29 churches are creating spaces for people to hear and respond to the gospel. It’s a reminder of how lives are being changed, hearts are being transformed, and disciples are being made through the faithful work of local churches.
These are the kinds of stories that you help make possible—stories of people who were once lost, searching for meaning, and now found, embracing the love and hope that only Jesus can offer. Thank you for your partnership in this work of church planting!